Episodes | Shades of Freedom

Welcome to Shades of Freedom, from The Aspen Institute Criminal Justice Reform Initiative. This podcast amplifies and uplifts promising efforts aimed at reducing mass incarceration, and examines the ecosystem of related inequalities that surrounds and perpetuates it. Fortunately, there’s a movement underway to re-imagine what the justice system could be. This podcast will feature many of the people working on changing this system, from policymakers to activists, and from returning citizens to systems leaders. Our discussions will be wide-ranging, from the school-to-confinement pipeline, to alternatives to incarceration, to policing, to sentencing, to prosecutorial reform to incarceration, to reentry and how all of this intersects with other community systems (such as education, health, housing and more). Today’s world seeks more than reform; it demands transformation. Our guests on Shades of Freedom personify this ideal.